George Kuhne Kuhne Tree Farm
Their Ventrac Equipment
Ventrac 3000, LQ450 Field Mower, 48" Blade
Their Ventrac Story
I use the Ventrac to mow around my 7.5 acre Christmas Tree plantation. The rough-cut mower does a great job clearing the vegetation between the rows of trees. I save gas and time by being able to complete these tasks quickly. I also use the 48" blade to clear snow on my sloped, 500' driveway. The little tractor does an impressive job.
I use the Ventrac to mow around my 7.5 acre Christmas Tree plantation. The rough-cut mower does a great job clearing the vegetation between the rows of trees.George Kuhne
Why they are a Ventrac fan
I always speak highly of my Ventrac tractor and recommend them to others.