Ventrac Vs Armyworms | GCI Turf Lawn Restoration
Duration: 13:17 - Views: 10855
Ventrac Vs Armyworms | GCI Turf Lawn RestorationPete Denny is a Ventrac Sponsored Advocate.Follow Pete!! @GCITurf Today we are onsite for a big project, and we’ve got a bunch of Ventrac equipment to get the job done. Here in Ohio this year, a lot of homeowners have seen Armyworms in their yards. This yard is no exception. The grass-eating larvae have come in and completely destroyed half of this yard.So what we are here to do is recondition this damaged yard. We will be utilizing around 10 Ventrac attachments and accessories and 4 Ventrac tractors to make quick work of this very large job. With the Ventrac Power Rake, the old, dead grass is uprooted. The Landscape Rake will then remove the dead material, and new topsoil is added, leveled, and graded with the Power Rake. The goal is to recondition, reseed, aerate and fertilize so that it is ready going into fall and will be looking great come spring.We needed an expert to help us do it right, so we invited Pete Denny from GCI Turf to join us on this yard renovation. He is an expert on grass growing and teaching others how to get their dirt right for a healthy yard. We seeded this yard with Pete’s ‘Cool Blue’ blend grass seed using the EA600 AERA-Vator and applied Protene fertilizer for optimal root development.The Ventrac’s compact size and maneuverability came as an advantage in many situations on this property for navigating the landscape and tight spaces in the backyard. And with multiple Ventracs on the job, what could have been a week-long project, was completed in a day. And one month later, the end results speak for themselves. See below for a complete list of all the attachments used in this video.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4520: HE482 POWER BUCKET: KG540 POWER RAKE: KH500 VERSA-LOADER: EA600 AERA-VATOR: KD BLADES: KJ520 BROOM: ES220 SPREADER: KR502 LANDSCAPE RAKE: CANOPY: 00:00 Intro00:30 Problems with the Yard01:27 Pete Talks Root Length/Health02:20 What Should We Call the New Canopy?02:43 Loader and Power Bucket Move Topsoil04:33 Removing Dead Grass with Power/Landscape Rake07:06 Moving Dead Grass with Power Bucket07:43 Distributing/Grading Topsoil with Power/Landscape Rake & Blade08:15 Cleaning Driveway with Power Broom08:31 Pete and Aaron Recap Project09:41 Pete Explains Seed/Fertilizer Types and Application11:39 Seeding With AERA-Vator and Broadcast Spreader12:54 One Month LaterFor more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventracLDIUJ4DVPYJUXDGJ77OHXGCCIQ9RVQCXEYAYSJVFZTKWYO5D5LF2SNHLGNDGWDLTFYFFLEALAFLVNE5U
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