Top Landscape Contractor in Australia Talks New Equipment

Duration: 3:09 - Views: 9560 Green Options Landscape Management wanted to be the leading contractor in Australia and achieved this goal when they purchased the Ventrac. They are now able to save money and time by using the machine to maintain fields and properties. A great example of this is on their wicket blocks—they used to need 4 workers to manage one block per day. With the Ventrac, one person can manage 7 blocks per day. The opportunities for this company to continue growing are endless with the Ventrac and numerous attachments.

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Products featured in this video:
Ventrac 4500:

EA600 Aera-Vator:

HB580 Power Broom:

Finish Mower:

HQ680 Tough Cut:

MH840 Contour Mower:

KY400 Trencher:

KA160 Power Blower:

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Video Transcript:
My name's Greg Puckeridge, and I'm the Operations Manager for Green Options Landscape Management and Green Options Racing. We've got a national company. We've got 200 people employed across Australia. It ranges from elite sports grounds through NRL, IFL A-League soccer. We also manage private schools and universities. We also have a racing and landscape business. We had to buy it. We wanted to be the industry leader in contracting and outsource maintenance, which we are. Once we saw the machine in action and demoed it, the ease of it, the strength of the machine and durability is second to none. It ranges from just a general mowing job to aeration jobs either in our sports fields, schools, it might be turf cutting for soccer goal mounds It might be slashing large paddocks on a slope, aerating on a slope, it's just got so much versatility. We have not had it back in the shed since. We can put all different attachments on one trailer and have one person operating it and do 5 or 6 operations at once. With all of these implements, there's no sacrifice on quality. Every implement we use and have purchased works exactly how it's supposed to and how it said it will do. We would probably do one wicket block a day with about 4 guys, now we can do this with the Ventrac machine and the power brush very quickly. We did 7 wicket blocks in one day with one person. Getting if not a better result with less staff and we can do it quicker. There are times when we have a lot of rainfall and having the light footprint has given us so much opportunity to get back out on the fields much quicker than what we could with other mowers. That creates less input, less wear and tear, less damage on the turf. We can cut more often, which provides a better service than anybody else. We want to be the best at what we do. That's what drives our company. We want to produce the best playing surfaces, we want to have the best name, the best culture, the best company that we possibly can. Ventrac has definitely put us further in becoming the best possible company that we can be.
Playlist: Turf Maintenance Attachments
  1. 3:16
    Clearing Massive Thorn Bushes with Ventrac Field Mower
  2. 0:37
    Ventrac Tough Cut Mower HQ680
  3. 0:55
    VENTRAC Vacuum Collection System RV600
  4. 2:41
    VENTRAC Contour Mower MJ840
  5. 0:45
    VENTRAC Rear Discharge Mower LK520
  6. 0:32
    Ventrac Owners Still Make Money in the Rain
  7. 2:01
    Renovating an Overgrown Baseball Field With Tractor
  8. 0:59
    Digging Trenches Never Looked So Neat
  9. 1:52
    Safer and Better Looking Athletic Field
  10. 2:05
    First Look - NEW Ventrac Boom Mower
  11. 3:09
    Top Landscape Contractor in Australia Talks New Equipment
  12. 1:23
    How to Get Underneath Your Mower Deck Easier
  13. 4:50
    NEW Ventrac Boom Mower Introduction
  14. 1:13
    How to Edge Sidewalks While Sitting
  15. 0:32
    Aeravator in Slow Motion Ventrac EA600
  16. 1:19
    Boom Mower Hedge and Tree Trimming with Tractor
  17. 1:26
    Ventrac Boom Mower Range of Motion on Slope
  18. 5:44
    Synthetic Football Pitch Maintenance at Tottenham Hotspurs Training Centre
  19. 0:57
    Quickly Remove Stumps with Tractor
  20. 3:50
    Mowing Across Wet and Muddy Ground Conditions
  21. 2:53
    Driveway Edging & Mowing Stripes For a Beautiful Lawn
  22. 1:38
    The Fastest Ventrac Mower Ever - NEW Wide Area Mower
  23. 5:47
    All About Ventrac's Fastest Mower Ever! - MK960 Operations Overview - Simple Start
  24. 1:25
    Mowing a Soccer Field How Fast?! Ventrac's Fastest Mower Ever!
  25. 0:49
    Mowing 5-Yard Stripes on Football Field
  26. 3:31
    Pursell Farms Chooses Tractor for Versatility - Ventrac
  27. 3:13
    Ventrac Tractor Crawling on Steep Slopes and Difficult Terrain on Golf Course
  28. 4:17
    Aerate Impossible Places on Ventrac Tractor - Aeration Without Cores - Real World Work
  29. 3:09
    Municipal Council Chooses Tractor for Safety on Slopes
  30. 10:21
    Horse Therapy Farm Improving Families in Community
  31. 11:54
    Tractor Time with Tim Puts the Ventrac Wide Area Mower to the Test
  32. 2:33
    How to Mow 15 Foot Stripes on a Football Field - Ventrac Wide Area Mower
  33. 2:46
    One Tough Mowing Job Made EASY - Ventrac Tough Cut on Steep Hill
  34. 7:31
    Ugly Dead Spot in Yard Brought Back to Life in One day with One Tractor - Ventrac
  35. 8:48
    Wildfire vs Tractor - California Homeowner Prevents Total Loss with Ventrac
  36. 5:36
    Maui’s Best Golf Course Keeps Things Beautiful
  37. 4:15
    The Fastest Way to Keep Infields Playable - Ventrac Ballpark Groomer Doing Real World Work
  38. 10:04
    How To Remove Driveway Gravel From Grass
  39. 6:30
    How To Stripe Hills With a Flail Mower
  40. 3:28
    Mowing Elephant Grass On A Coffee Farm
  41. 6:55
    Every Possible Way To Mow Grass
  42. 2:50
    Mowing Stripes At A Vineyard
  43. 4:19
    How Ventrac Performs On A Horse Racetrack Property

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