Horse Therapy Farm Improving Families in Community
Duration: 10:21 - Views: 4898 Bill and Marcia Shearer are the co-founders of Whispering Grace Horses and Freedom Farm in Stark County, Ohio. Whispering Grace Horses is an equine and human relationship program that focuses on educating and building partnerships between humans and horses. The evolution of a single horse’s ability to help improve quality of life and provide hope and healing is what started it all.Bill and Marcia were introduced to a horse that was malnourished and unkempt. They brought healing to her life, and in return, she blessed them with an opportunity. They were able to turn their idea into something bigger. They saw an opportunity for a horse’s ability to bring hope and healing to a life, and they wanted to share this with more people in need of healing.Whispering Grace Horses started with two families in 2012 and has grown into 230 families who have been touched by this mission. Bill shares some of the blessings they’ve experienced in the form of support from the community and surrounding counties to fund and expand their services to more families in need of healing. By 2018, they were able to unveil Freedom Farm, a Certified Veteran Ready program for veterans and their families.To make the addition of Freedom Farm possible, they were provided further land to build and develop. With this growth, a piece of equipment was needed that was versatile, efficient, and able to handle work in any weather. The Ventrac has met this specialized need for them, and they use it to its fullest capacity around the horse farm every day. Throughout the year, they use the Ventrac to mow the yards and keep paddocks looking nice. They also use the Ventrac to pull the arena drag and even aerate the pastures to improve new grass growth for the horses. They continue to grow with the support of members of the community who believe in this mission whole-heartedly. Creating and providing a safe and loving environment for the mentorship of the brokenhearted human and horse is the mission of Whispering Grace and Freedom Farm.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4500: EA600 AERA-VATOR: FINISH MOWERS: HQ680 For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventracBoth my wife and I grew up with horses. We were able to be directed back into horses again some eight years ago. There are several examples of how this works. The young man was 11 years old was going through some turmoil in his life and because of that was going to break up a husband and wife. We had a young lady that worked with this young man all summer. And the father came in and he said could I meet the little girl that's been working with our son? And we introduced him and he says young lady I know you don't know this but you should go to bed tonight just knowing that you saved a marriage. We had a young man that came to us. We went to his expulsion hearing at school. His parents couldn't get him out of his room because he was constantly on the computer or on his phone. We got him out here to the barn. We started talking to us in ways that he never talked before. One night his dad called me. A steelworker, okay, and he said Bill this Matt. You know Jimmy. I said well yeah I've been coming to the barn. We've been doing some good things out there. And says well tonight I dropped him off at a buddy's house he says dad I love you. Thanks. This emotion. Sometimes I think everybody comes here just see me cry. You know just so we get it kind of clear in terms of Whispering Grace Horses and Freedom Farm. How they are separate. Freedom Farm was just built in November of 2018 and our board of trustees as we began to grow they kept asking us well can't we have a program for our veterans. And I said man I wish we could but we can't. We're so crowded now I mean we've gone from three horses to seven horses. We've gone from thirty families to 230 families. We are blessed. There's no question about it. And so with that you know we just welcome those who may have a situation in their life where they just want to come and take deep breaths and enjoy a lot of camaraderie. A lot of talk. Not being overly observed. Not being documented but just maybe laughing, crying, or praying. Though all those three ingredients we consider a good day and so what's next? He'll smile and tell us sometime. So we'll find out what it's all about.
Playlist: Turf Maintenance Attachments
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Ventrac Tough Cut Mower HQ680 - 0:55
VENTRAC Vacuum Collection System RV600 - 2:41
VENTRAC Contour Mower MJ840 - 0:45
VENTRAC Rear Discharge Mower LK520 - 0:32
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Renovating an Overgrown Baseball Field With Tractor - 0:59
Digging Trenches Never Looked So Neat - 1:52
Safer and Better Looking Athletic Field - 2:05
First Look - NEW Ventrac Boom Mower - 3:09
Top Landscape Contractor in Australia Talks New Equipment - 1:23
How to Get Underneath Your Mower Deck Easier - 4:50
NEW Ventrac Boom Mower Introduction - 1:13
How to Edge Sidewalks While Sitting - 0:32
Aeravator in Slow Motion Ventrac EA600 - 1:19
Boom Mower Hedge and Tree Trimming with Tractor - 1:26
Ventrac Boom Mower Range of Motion on Slope - 5:44
Synthetic Football Pitch Maintenance at Tottenham Hotspurs Training Centre - 0:57
Quickly Remove Stumps with Tractor - 3:50
Mowing Across Wet and Muddy Ground Conditions - 2:53
Driveway Edging & Mowing Stripes For a Beautiful Lawn - 1:38
The Fastest Ventrac Mower Ever - NEW Wide Area Mower - 5:47
All About Ventrac's Fastest Mower Ever! - MK960 Operations Overview - Simple Start - 1:25
Mowing a Soccer Field How Fast?! Ventrac's Fastest Mower Ever! - 0:49
Mowing 5-Yard Stripes on Football Field - 3:31
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Ventrac Tractor Crawling on Steep Slopes and Difficult Terrain on Golf Course - 4:17
Aerate Impossible Places on Ventrac Tractor - Aeration Without Cores - Real World Work - 3:09
Municipal Council Chooses Tractor for Safety on Slopes - 10:21
Horse Therapy Farm Improving Families in Community - 11:54
Tractor Time with Tim Puts the Ventrac Wide Area Mower to the Test - 2:33
How to Mow 15 Foot Stripes on a Football Field - Ventrac Wide Area Mower - 2:46
One Tough Mowing Job Made EASY - Ventrac Tough Cut on Steep Hill - 7:31
Ugly Dead Spot in Yard Brought Back to Life in One day with One Tractor - Ventrac - 8:48
Wildfire vs Tractor - California Homeowner Prevents Total Loss with Ventrac - 5:36
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Mowing Stripes At A Vineyard - 4:19
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