Tractor VS BMX Tricks & Bike Park Renovation

Duration: 22:48 - Views: 10275

Ventrac rennovates this bike park, then Brant Moore does BMX tricks on the tractor and races our own Aaron Graber through the dual slalom course!Brant's Channel - On this Ventrac Project Series we are on site at Austin Badger Park in Medina, Ohio.This repurposed, former 18-hole golf course with 7.5 miles of cart paths, has been turned into a nature preserve, walking/running trails, and a future destination bike park.With an effort to get today’s youth more involved in outdoor activities, Brian Wick petitioned to have a BMX style dual slalom course installed. In a short amount of time, they have made extensive progress in converting this land into a BMX bike park with a vision for expansion.Wick's Outlaw Promotions - Ventrac is here helping to move this project towards the finishing stages with specialized turf tools, and mowing and trimming attachments for maintenance throughout the park.The objective is to use the equipment in the most efficient way possible to minimize hand work while creating a safe place to ride. The ultimate goal is to provide a place to bring families together in the community and from all over the world.Why is the Ventrac perfect for renovating a bike park like this?Ventrac’s trademark Flex Frame has the unique advantage of allowing the tractor to restore the washed out areas without causing damage to the surface like rutting or tearing up the ground like skid-steer track equipment may do. When doing polished finishing ground work on soft surfaces like this, it’s counterintuitive to bring in equipment that will rip up and essentially undo any work that you have completed simply because of using the wrong equipment. The low-impact and light footprint of Ventrac won’t damage paved walking paths throughout the park, and allows for a more finished product when re-shaping the ground for the bikes to traverse. The unique Boom Mower attachment makes trimming tree limb overgrowth around the miles of walking paths more efficient. And mowing brush can be easily accomplished with the Tough Cut around the park boundaries. The Ventrac tractor with dual wheels offers unprecedented stability on the sides and slopes of the jumps and trails. While the Power Rake attachment pulverizes and refines the soil to re-shape and contour the face of the jumps and smooth out the riding surface to be safe and fun for all cyclists in the park.Watch as these Ventrac tractors and attachments turn what would have been days of hand work into an efficient one-day project.Products featured in this video:Ventrac 4500: Power Rake: Tough Cut: Boom Mower: Power Bucket: Dual Wheels: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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