Growing Zoysia From Seed | Installing A $40,000 Lawn #ventrac #zoysia

Duration: 14:07 - Views: 25893

Growing Zoysia From Seed | Installing A $40,000 LawnWhen the fescue in Justin Harkey’s lawn in southern North Carolina wasn’t thriving, his desire for a lower maintenance turfgrass led him to discover Zoysia. His success with his yard prompted him to create a YouTube channel where he helps other people be successful in growing Zoysia from seed and adequately managing it throughout the year. Being a warm-season grass, Zoysia is known for its ability to stand up to heat, drought, heavy foot traffic, and a variety of other challenges. Justin first installed his front lawn with Zoysia 2 years ago, and after being pleased with the results, he decided to continue with the turfgrass. We visited him to view his most recent installation he started from seed one year ago. Justin isn’t afraid of a little hard work, and he shows us how Ventrac makes jobs easier with a new level of versatility. Today’s project starts with sand leveling an area that he grew in from seed last year. Justin has developed a process to encourage further growth of his lawn. It begins with scalping the growth back, providing aeration to the yard, and top dressing with sand.The reason he scalps the yard is to get the canopy low enough to where the sand can fill in on the ground’s surface instead of covering the turf between the sand and ground.Aerating will put holes in the ground that allow the sand to become intermixed with the clay to prevent drainage issues from developing and allows the roots more area to expand. With the cost of soil grading, sod, irrigation, and installation labor, Justin estimates that a job this size could potentially cost upwards of $40,000 for an outside contractor to do the work. He justifies the ownership of his tractor because he is saving money by doing the work himself. He also enjoys the dependability that Ventrac ownership offers. As a contractor himself, Justin is a do-it-yourself kind of guy and appreciates a piece of equipment that gives him the freedom to tackle projects at his own pace. He also loves equipment that makes the tasks more enjoyable. Ventrac, as a power unit with attachments, offers a higher level of detail and finesse than any other tractor Justin has used.Justin's YT Channel: @Zoysia R Us Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4520: HE482 POWER BUCKET: KG540 POWER RAKE: FINISH MOWERS: KC220 STUMP GRINDER: EA600 AERA-VATOR: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac00:00 Justin Talks About His Property01:19 Justin Talks Project Details02:17 Mowing The Work Area03:19 AERA-Vator On Work Area05:02 Power Bucket - Spreading Sand on Work Area08:06 Power Rake To Prepare Soil for Zoysia Seed 10:25 Contractor Perspective 12:40 Stump Grinding For The First Time#ventrac #zoysia #lawn #lawncare #contractor #tractor #tractorvideo #compacttractor #grass

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