No More Handheld Equipment | Leaf Cleanup Like A Pro

Duration: 3:08 - Views: 6918

No More Handheld Equipment | Leaf Cleanup Like A ProMake fall yard cleaning almost effortless with the Ventrac Leaf Removal System.A job like a leaf cleanup can often take several hours to complete with a backpack blower or handheld blower, but speed of work and efficiency are gained with the use of the Ventrac Leaf Blower and Leaf Plow. The only way to handle your fall cleanup like a professional this season is with Ventrac.Designed for small areas, the KA160 Leaf Blower is operated on the front of the machine, which offers convenience and increased visibility while allowing the operator to reach areas that may be difficult to access with other equipment.The implement features a rotation range of 180 degrees, allowing the operator to move debris in the desired direction while in motion without hindering operation. Easily direct air flow to clear a wide path, reach around trees, bushes, brush, and buildings. Even further precision is offered with the manual pitch adjustment, which changes the angle of the blower for more or less aggressive airflow. This makes the removal of wet or compacted leaves on sidewalks and other surfaces effortless.And when you need to move large piles of leaves just as quickly, the Ventrac Leaf Plow is able to plow leaves for fast cleanup where the blowers can't keep up. The Leaf Plow features a dual-stack of bristles allowing for a clean sweep without gouging the turf. With a height of 50" and an overall width of 78", this leaf plow can collect a high volume of leaves in one pass.The flexible containment wings allow operation near trees and close to other objects without damage to the property or the leaf plow. The Leaf Plow can be mounted on the front of the tractor for optimal visibility and maneuverability. It can also be mounted on the 3-point hitch of the tractor, allowing for the use of a high-powered blower on the front PTO, making this the most efficient leaf removal combination ever. Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4520: KA160 POWER BLOWER: EF300 LEAF PLOW: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventracVVGYXVGO230ZHX3R

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