Revolutionizing Sidewalk Snow Management: The Power of Ventrac SSV in Salt Mode

Duration: 4:56 - Views: 3598

Sidewalk Snow Vehicle in Salt ModeWhen snow and freezing temps threaten sidewalks, there is no better way to fight the ice than with an SSV in salt mode. Winter’s fluctuating temps can cause a melt and refreezing of surfaces, which makes salt a priority in managing sidewalks.A sidewalk-sized machine that can maximize granular salt applications for long distances is essential to any snow contractor’s fleet. In salt mode, the SSV looks like this: a storage basket with four extra bags of salt, a mid-mount drop spreader, and a front-mount drop spreader, creating substantial granular salt capacity.The mid-mount drop spreader (NA132) is located between the axles of the SSV. This spreader slides out for easy loading and even has a bag opener for quickly filling the bin without extra tools. The stainless steel hopper prevents premature failure due to rust and corrosion. The innovative agitation system prevents material bridging and eliminates the need for a traditional, noisy vibration motor.The front-mounted drop spreader (SA250) has been added with a unique hitch adapter on the front of the SSV; what was previously used behind the Ventrac 4520 can now be utilized on the front of the SSV, adding 200 lbs. of granular capacity to the ultra-maneuverable SSV. With this drop spreader, operators can apply salt in a 40" drop pattern at speeds up to 10x faster than walk-behind equipment. The system's accuracy keeps material within the sidewalks, ensuring no damage to surrounding turf or landscaping.Products featured in this video:SIDEWALK SNOW VEHICLE: STORAGE BASKET: SSV DROP SPREADER: HITCH ADAPTER FOR SSV: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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