Yard Debris Removal | Landscape Rake Walk-Around
Duration: 10:45 - Views: 17352
Yard Debris Removal | Landscape Rake Walk-AroundThe only proper way to remove yard debris without using hand labor is with the Ventrac Landscape Rake. From soil preparation and surface leveling to removing rocks and debris, the Landscape Rake is the attachment that works with ease and efficiency no matter where you are.This front-mounted attachment allows you to clear areas before running over them, which can reduce compaction and create better results. The Landscape Rake can be used in forward or reverse, allowing for versatile applications. Filter dirt and clear debris from a yard install or smooth and re-level a gravel driveway; the out-front design makes the Landscape Rake easy to operate and see where you are going.It can also mount to the rear 3-point hitch for pulling and dragging material behind the tractor. The standard 50-inch wide attachment can be extended to 70-inches with two additional wing extensions for wider surface area work.The ultimate tool in debris management of loose material and cleanups, the Landscape Rake allows for the fine-tuning movement of material like gravel, sand, dirt, and debris. Install a new yard, path, or driveway, level ground, prepare the soil for seed, cleanup after utility installation, and even groom cart paths with one attachment.Watch more of this attachment in action here: Landscape Rake Gravel Driveway: https://youtu.be/LJHCjjbH3BU Landscape Rake Armyworm Removal: https://youtu.be/o1fFr6lRVv4 Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4520: https://www.ventrac.com/products/tractors/4520 KR502 LANDSCAPE RAKE: https://www.ventrac.com/products/attachments/kr502 For more information, visit https://www.ventrac.com/ Find a dealer near you! https://www.ventrac.com/dealers Get a FREE catalog! https://www.ventrac.com/contact/catalog Subscribe here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0aiC7V2JS3nh11R5tRuIUw Connect with Us!Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ventrac/ Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac00:00 Intro00:15 What is the Landscape Rake?00:40 Aaron Loves This Attachment00:55 What is it's Purpose? 02:55 Gravel Driveway Management 03:45 Width and Removable Extensions 04:40 Hydraulic Height Adjust06:00 Wheel Position Adjustments06:43 How to Run it On Back of Tractor07:55 Run it On Another Tractor08:52 Different Jobs You Can Use It10:23 Demo A Ventrac Today!
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