Reckless Drivers Destroy Yard...We Clean It Up

Duration: 14:49 - Views: 152596

Road closures happen all the time out of protection for those on the road. Power lines falling, tree falls blocking the road, construction, and car accidents are a few common examples. Scott, a representative from the Wayne County Engineer’s Office speaks on the importance of road safety and how to navigate road closures when they arise.The compelling footage showcases the results of individuals ignoring road closure signs and choosing to drive through private property to save themselves time. Fixing deep ruts is no easy task for homeowners and could easily be avoided through patience and finding an appropriate place to turn around.Ventrac provides all the equipment necessary to fix ruts in a lawn with non-ideal working conditions. By aerating the soil with the Ventrac AERA-vator, the small surface level ruts can be worked out with high intensity vibrations.The ruts that broke the lawn surface and created bare, uneven soil needed a total renovation. We started by turning the soil over and leveling it with the power rake. You will notice through this process that it is very wet, providing suboptimal conditions for lawn renovations. The Ventrac however, handles these challenges well because of its light footprint, all-wheel drive capability, and power output.Installing a new lawn is extremely hard in wet conditions. The cultivating done with Ventrac’s soil cultivator helped to turn the wet soil over so that it could be worked evenly with the power rake and eventually be seeded. The finish product speaks to the Ventrac’s capabilities in a terrain most tractors can’t touch.This video not only showcases the exceptional capabilities of Ventrac equipment, but also serves as a reminder to respect road closures and private property.Products featured in this video:For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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