Normal Tractor Frame vs. Ventrac FlexFrame - MMM
Duration: 5:03 - Views: 19360 If you’ve seen our tractor doing amazing things, it’s all because of the FlexFrame.FlexFrame is the defining characteristic of what makes the Ventrac 4500 outperform the competition. The Ventrac 4500 bends and twists at the center of the tractor which is an advantage over most all other compact tractors available. The benefits to driving a center articulating and oscillating tractor are much more than the eye can see. Operators feel the difference in the seat of the tractor with FlexFrame and experience a smoother, better ride over uneven turf surfaces. The tractor’s ability to follow a matching wheel path means it is gentle on turf and will not damage or tear the surface. FlexFrame also allows the operator to feel more confident on slopes with greater stability and traction.Ventrac’s FlexFrame feature allows you to take on more extreme conditions while still feeling stable and maintaining traction.Products featured in this video:Ventrac 4500: Tough cut: Dual Wheels: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventracThe FlexFrame is what makes the 4500 ventrac totally different from all other compacttractors. Technically speaking the ventrac 4500 is a center articulating and oscillating tractor. That doesn't float off the tongue very well so we coined the term FlexFrame to give you an easy way to remember when we talk about our tractor bending and twisting. We will just say FlexFrame and that's what we mean. Now that we have the correct terminology that's easy for you guys to remember and us to say let's define that technology and what it actually means for the tractor in use. Our tractor steering is actually accomplished at thecenter point of the machine and that's what most people would know as an articulated machine. But what we've also added is oscillation into that same joint. This comes with some extra benefits. Basically our tractor bends and twists at the center. When these two things come together they provide a whole host of benefits. The ventrac being full-time all-wheel drive is first of all possible because of the FlexFrame. We're able to have it full-time all-wheel drive and still not tear up the turf. And secondly since it's in all-wheel drive the entire time it's something you don't have to think about. Which again lends it to being an easy machine to operate. So there it is. That's all about the ventrac 4500 FlexFrame. Thanks for watching this Monday Morning Minute on the FlexFrame. And remember everytime you watch a ventrac video where you see our tractor doing something amazing it's made possible in no small part by the FlexFrame.
Playlist: FAQ - Monday Morning Minute
- 1:11
Ventrac MMM #01 What Is Monday Morning Minute? - 2:21
Ventrac MMM #02 - It looks so OLD! - 2:13
Ventrac MMM #03 - USA! - 1:59
Ventrac MMM #04 - The Power Bucket is Underrated! - 2:27
Ventrac MMM #05 - Versatility - 1:46
Ventrac MMM #06 - No Rear PTO?!?! - 2:21
Ventrac MMM #07 - No One Mows When it's Wet!!! - 2:14
Ventrac MMM #08 - Marketing is Evil!!! - 2:34
Ventrac MMM #09 - Tough Cut Tips and Tricks - 2:43
Ventrac MMM #10 - Zero Turns on Hills - 1:59
Ventrac MMM #11 - Small Gas Tank! - 2:03
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