Behind The Scenes - Factory Training Ventrac 4500

Duration: 11:47 - Views: 16670

Behind the scenes - Factory Training Ventrac 4500Today we are welcoming two brand new employees to the Marketing Department at Ventrac.Typically when we have a new employee at Ventrac, we make sure they get some time on the equipment. It’s important that anyone working at Ventrac knows exactly how cool the equipment is that they are building, selling, and representing. And it’s essential that our Marketing Department knows exactly what they are representing.Our new employees Sidney and Andrew have read the Operator’s Manual prior to this training and understand the procedures and fundamentals of operating a Ventrac. They’ve also watched our series of educational Simple Start videos on YouTube. We recommend all new operators do at least those things before and learn from an experienced operator or dealer prior to getting on their first Ventrac. Also, spend some time getting comfortable operating the machine of flat grounds prior to operating on slopes. Operating a Ventrac is a very intuitive experience. The machine is incredibly easy to run. Andrew points out that it feels foreign to him because there is no foot pedal. He is used to operating traditional compact tractors that offer foot pedal control. And Aaron explains why our hands are so much better at operating a Ventrac because of our quick reaction time and intuitive nature of hand controls with the SDLA lever. The benefits to driving a center articulating and oscillating tractor are much more than the eye can see. Operators feel the difference in the seat of the tractor with FlexFrame and experience a smoother, better ride over uneven turf surfaces. The tractor’s ability to follow a matching wheel path means it is gentle on turf and will not damage or tear the surface. FlexFrame also allows the operator to feel more confident on slopes with greater stability and traction.To get the full experience, you’ll want to demo a 4500 on your own property. To find a dealer near you, or to answer any other questions you might have, visit our website at featured in this video:VENTRAC 4500: MK960 WIDE AREA MOWER: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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