Renovating an Overgrown Baseball Field With Tractor
Duration: 2:01 - Views: 20205 The Ballpark Groomer is the perfect addition to any school, university or park grounds maintenance fleet. This tool reduces the handwork needed to get ballfields back to looking top notch. A field that has been overgrown with weeds and grass can be transformed into a safe, playable condition in no time at all. The Ventrac versatility adds value for grounds crews as they can hook up to other attachments for other year-round jobs around the park or school.For more information, visit
Products featured in this video:
Ventrac 4500:
Ballpark Groomer/Renovator:
MSMTMU Finish Mowing Deck:
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Video Transcript:
It's springtime which means little league fields like this all across America are in terrible shape. It's pretty common since these fields don't get a lot of attention. You've got weeds basically growing everywhere. Usually, people take care of fields like this with a lot of help from handwork or maybe they will rent a tiller to tear up the ground. It's really the wrong approach and it's not doing the field any good. Even though the Ventrac works really well on a perfectly manicured field to keep it in tip-top shape, it also helps fields like this to renovate them from being a complete and total disaster. Ventrac is the ultimate tool for this job because once you're done with the groomer on the field, you can take it off and use the mowing deck or any other attachments around the park as well.
Playlist: Ball Field Maintenance
- 3:02
Ventrac Ballpark Groomer & Renovator Introduction - 10:06
Ventrac Ballpark Groomer & Renovator Instructional Video - 3:21
From Sandlot To Dream Field - The Ultimate Ball Field Groomer - 4:02
Managing Wet Fields at a 14U Softball Tournament - 2:01
Renovating an Overgrown Baseball Field With Tractor - 1:52
Safer and Better Looking Athletic Field - 1:38
The Fastest Ventrac Mower Ever - NEW Wide Area Mower - 6:04
Striping at the Baseball Hall of Fame - 4:15
The Fastest Way to Keep Infields Playable - Ventrac Ballpark Groomer Doing Real World Work - 3:13
Contractor Maintains Ballfields and Entire School Campus with Ventrac