How to Move Wet and Heavy Leaves This Fall - Ventrac Leaf Plow and Turbine Blower
Duration: 2:28 - Views: 8748 Fall leaf removal is a big project at the College of Wooster because they participate in the program Tree Campus USA, giving national recognition to college campuses that promote healthy urban forest management. An abundance of trees and wet weather on this Northeast Ohio campus often means wet fall cleanup conditions. The ground management staff knew they needed a tractor with a light footprint and a way to move large piles of wet, heavy leaves.The Ventrac 4500 offers minimal turf disturbance, which means the operator can move the tractor back and forth without causing damage to the ground. It is commonly used on golf course greens and cart paths, where leaves and debris can be cleared in a timely manner without leaving tire tracks or footprints behind. Even more convenient, the nozzle can be hydraulically rotated 360 degrees for even more control of airflow direction.The Leaf Plow features a dual-stack of bristles allowing for a clean sweep without gouging the turf. With a height of 50" and an overall width of 78", this leaf plow can collect a high volume of leaves in one pass. The flexible containment wings allow operation near trees and close to other objects without damage to the property or the leaf plow. The Leaf Plow can be mounted on the front of the tractor for optimal visibility and maneuverability. It can also be mounted on the 3-point hitch of the tractor, allowing for the use of a high-powered blower on the front PTO, making this the most efficient leaf removal combination ever. The Ventrac Fall Leaf Management System allowed this campus to improve on their efficiency and keep their campus clean and tidy from leaves. They improved their ability to move large piles of wet leaves when the weather was less than cooperative.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4500: ET200 TURBINE BLOWER: EF300 LEAF PLOW: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac
Playlist: University Maintenance
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How to Move Wet and Heavy Leaves This Fall - Ventrac Leaf Plow and Turbine Blower - 4:15
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