Ventrac MMM #02 - It looks so OLD!
Duration: 2:21 - Views: 7289 In this Ventrac Monday Morning Minute we answer the question "Why does Ventrac look so old?!"Every Monday we will have a new topic that is inspired by YOU our viewers and we will only talk about it for a max of 60 Sec. So ask your questions, make your comments and we will post something new every Monday. Be sure to subscribe as well so you don't miss an episode. Enjoy!For ideas and comments email us at MMM@ventrac.comFor more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventracVideo Transcript: Today on Monday Morning Minute the topic is the Ventrac it looks so old! Before we get to that we have a comment from last week from Alan LaHay He asks "how expensive is a Ventrac 4500 with every tool available for it." That's a great question Alan we're gonna talk pricing in the future but to answer your question specifically for a 4500 Z and every attachment we make that would be $136,585. What a deal. Okay on to today's topic so we get a lot of comments about this tractor looks old or it looks like it's from the 80s I've got a few to share with you here. From Ryan Rysmm he says "Ventrac brought to you by the 1982 design team." Samuel Young says "true tho the Ventrac looks 80s af lol." You know I can't say that Samuel come on and from TMT Rider the Ventrac is just ugly. Alright, here we go. So sometime back in the 80s, most manufacturers stopped using metal for a lot of stuff in the transition to composites or plastics. Well, we kept using metal because we felt like it was the best option for durability and reliability and we think it builds a tough tractor. So it looks like it might be a little bit dated but quite frankly we don't care it works really well and that's what we're focused on. This tractor has always been engineered to be durable long lasting and look at what it actually produces the work that you can do with this tractor. So we hear from our customers all the time that own our tractor we don't really care how it looks because it works so darn well it can look like whatever we just don't care. So there's your answer. We know it looks a little bit ugly and it doesn't really bother us.
Playlist: FAQ - Monday Morning Minute
- 1:11
Ventrac MMM #01 What Is Monday Morning Minute? - 2:21
Ventrac MMM #02 - It looks so OLD! - 2:13
Ventrac MMM #03 - USA! - 1:59
Ventrac MMM #04 - The Power Bucket is Underrated! - 2:27
Ventrac MMM #05 - Versatility - 1:46
Ventrac MMM #06 - No Rear PTO?!?! - 2:21
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Ventrac MMM #08 - Marketing is Evil!!! - 2:34
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