How Oscillation Benefits Tractors | Ventrac FlexFrame Explained
Duration: 12:02 - Views: 15585
Ventrac FlexFrame Explained | How Oscillation Benefits TractorsEveryone knows the Ventrac tractor articulates to turn, but the frame also oscillates, making it respond to the terrain differently from your typical compact tractor.Most machines have a straight frame with front axles that are either rigid or suspended from the frame. The machine then has to rely on that suspension to contour to the ground. When an obstacle like a rut or hole is encountered with a traditional compact tractor, this creates a very unstable work environment and makes it difficult to navigate without operator disturbance. However, the Ventrac operator will barely feel it as they crawl over that hole with no problems, and here’s why.The center of the Ventrac pivots in two dimensions allowing it to articulate at turns and oscillate to hug the terrain. This movement keeps consistent ground pressure on all four corners of the tractor. This improves traction, stability, and maneuverability no matter what terrain you’re working on.The Ventrac has the ability to raise one wheel up to 8 inches off the ground before any of the other three wheels leave the ground. In addition, because the Ventrac oscillates to contour to the ground, there is no need for locking differentials as most other tractors use. The Ventrac, in turn, is much more delicate on the turf that it’s working on.We often get comments from people saying they are very comfortable operating the tractor. The most common statement is that it is one of the most comfortable machines they’ve ever driven. Immediately most operators believe the comfort comes from the seat. And while the tractor’s seat is high quality, most of the operator comfort comes from the frame contouring to the terrain beneath you.The unique qualities of the FlexFrame give it a naturally low center of gravity and very low ground pressure. With no massive changes in ground pressure, you’re less likely to leave ruts or indentations. This is why most golf courses, where the grass is very short, and the standards are very high, operate a Ventrac.And the advantages of the FlexFrame and oscillation that we’ve been talking about can also extend to the versatility of the Ventrac for other jobs like trenching, stump grinding, sod cutting, aerating, leaf removal, and more.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4520: TOUGH CUT: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac00:00 What is Oscillation?02:05 Ramp Experiment/Explanation05:05 Why We Don't Have Locking Differentials05:44 Oscillation-Operator Comfort06:58 Oscillation-Center of Gravity 08:12 Navigating Uneven Grounds10:28 Versatility11:12 Visit
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