Ventrac MMM #08 - Marketing is Evil!!!

Duration: 2:14 - Views: 3511 In this Ventrac Monday Morning Minute Aaron Graber discusses how marketing can be deceitful.FTC The Truth in Advertising: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventracVideo Transcript:On this Monday Morning Minute: marketing is evil. We think a lot of people have this opinion so in this video we'll try to clear that up. Consider this a public service announcement. The first thing we want to link to is a link in the description below from the Federal Trade Commission's website on the truth in advertising. If you follow that link you'll find a list of recent lawsuits where companies have been found misleading consumers. It's a good place to go to understand the advertising climate that we're referring to in this video. You see for a long time there's been a history of bad products with effective marketing campaigns that have tricked consumers and obviously caused a lot of negative sentiment. Cigarettes used to be sold to help throat pain or improve asthma. That's crazy. There's an endless supply of medicinal supplements or dietary supplements that supposedly masquerade as miracle cures and it causes people to be very skeptical of marketing in general. At Ventrac, we're not immune to the effects of this we have a product that a lot of people don't understand fully so our number one objective is teaching people about that product. That means we present a lot of new information in ways that people aren't necessarily used to seeing. The problem is we see a lot of skeptical responses like "oh that's too good to be true," "that tractor could never do that." Or "there's no way it's that much better than the other piece of equipment." The reality is we're telling the truth. We're representing our product as honestly as we can and we're trying to give good information to our consumers to educate them. One of the best ways we can do this is to encourage people and we do to have in-person demos because then they can draw conclusions for themselves. We feel like our product stands up and what we say we believe in so I'll leave you with one last recommendation. If you will be critical of all marketing campaigns but when there's a good one accept it.

Playlist: FAQ - Monday Morning Minute
  1. 1:11
    Ventrac MMM #01 What Is Monday Morning Minute?
  2. 2:21
    Ventrac MMM #02 - It looks so OLD!
  3. 2:13
    Ventrac MMM #03 - USA!
  4. 1:59
    Ventrac MMM #04 - The Power Bucket is Underrated!
  5. 2:27
    Ventrac MMM #05 - Versatility
  6. 1:46
    Ventrac MMM #06 - No Rear PTO?!?!
  7. 2:21
    Ventrac MMM #07 - No One Mows When it's Wet!!!
  8. 2:14
    Ventrac MMM #08 - Marketing is Evil!!!
  9. 2:34
    Ventrac MMM #09 - Tough Cut Tips and Tricks
  10. 2:43
    Ventrac MMM #10 - Zero Turns on Hills
  11. 1:59
    Ventrac MMM #11 - Small Gas Tank!
  12. 2:03
    Ventrac MMM #12 - Math and Mountains
  13. 1:58
    Ventrac MMM #13 - Belt Drive PTO
  14. 3:49
    Ventrac MMM #14- Comment Day!
  15. 1:45
    Top 9 Reasons to buy the best compact tractor- MMM #15
  16. 2:23
    What Tire Should I Choose for My Tractor ~ MMM # 16
  17. 2:15
    Productivity Rates For Your Business ~ MMM # 17
  18. 30:33
    Talking With Strangers at GIE 2018 ~ MMM #18
  19. 4:01
    Pumpkin Destruction ~ MMM #19
  20. 2:20
    It's How Expensive?! ~ MMM #20
  21. 2:25
    This Tractor Makes My Arm Hurt!!~ MMM #21
  22. 2:20
    Foot Pedal vs Hand Controls ~ MMM #22
  23. 3:47
    You May Not Get Salt This Winter ~ MMM #23
  24. 2:39
    Fastest Tractor for Changing Attachments ~ MMM #24
  25. 7:45
    Video Production Outtakes ~ MMM #25
  26. 5:10
    Top 5 Reasons to Demand A Tractor Demo ~ S2 Ep 01
  27. 3:24
    GOAT vs Spokes Person - Ventrac MMM
  28. 6:23
    How to Fix Aux Hydraulic Hose Couplers That Won't Connect - Ventrac MMM
  29. 5:01
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  30. 5:03
    Normal Tractor Frame vs. Ventrac FlexFrame - MMM
  31. 5:51
    How to Set Up Your Tractor to Safely Mow Slopes – Ventrac MMM
  32. 9:41
    95" Wide Mower for Fastest Mowing Times with a Ventrac - MMM

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