What If We Stop Mowing For 8 Weeks? - Ventrac Flail

Duration: 17:30 - Views: 10817

Comparing Results of Mowing Intervals - Ventrac FlailThe final part of our Flail Mowing experiment is complete, and the results might surprise you. We’re here at our corporate headquarters in Orrville, Ohio, to follow up on the four different mowing test plots we staked out eight weeks ago. The 4 test plots were maintained as follows: Plot one was mowed weekly, plot two was mowed every other week, plot three was mowed every four weeks, and the final plot was mowed on day one and today.Chosen height of cut was 3.5 inches on the test plots and 2.5 inches on the perimeter paths. What we are observing today is what those areas look like before and after we mow them.When running a flail over infrequently maintained areas, this is what you can expect as results. Aaron discusses and observes each plot before and after the final mow, evaluating weed concentration, grass color, height, and density.Observed after mowing the once every 8 weeks plot - material buildup is more significant but finely chopped and evenly dispersed across the surface. And while the mowed once weekly plot has striking green stripes, it doesn’t have a perfect finish cut.Aaron explains that the flail needs the grass to be a little longer than you might expect to work optimally. Therefore, he recommends for the most aesthetically pleasing weekly mowing, stick to your finish deck.But if you’re looking for something to balance the workload with a rough cut finish, try mowing bi-weekly with a flail for a striking stripe and great results with half the workload.Aaron’s final thoughts on the experiment are that managing rough cut areas like this is about balancing aesthetic vs. workload. Aaron asks whether you’re looking for 100% aesthetic appeal or time-saving. Or a good balance between the two?A reminder that results are variable depending on soil conditions, rainfall, and temperature in your area.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4520: https://www.ventrac.com/products/tractors/4520 MWMY FLAIL MOWER: https://www.ventrac.com/products/attachments/mwmy For more information, visit https://www.ventrac.com/ Find a dealer near you! https://www.ventrac.com/dealers Get a FREE catalog! https://www.ventrac.com/contact/catalog Subscribe here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0aiC7V2JS3nh11R5tRuIUw Connect with Us!Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ventrac/ Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac00:00 Recap of Project/Property01:53 Plot Before Final Mow06:24 Mowing For The Final Time07:40 Final Mow Results10:15 How Often to Use Flail For Great Results14:16 Mowing After 6 Weeks 16:12 What Other Tests Should We Do?16:45 Other Types Of Mowers We Offer

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