How To Hook Up Attachments To The Sidewalk Snow

Duration: 1:22 - Views: 9959
At the onset of a snowstorm, accumulations might be lighter but the sidewalks still need to be cleared for safe passage. The Ventrac 38-inch Broom would be an ideal attachment for these conditions. The broom makes easy work of the snow falling on the walks, allowing for surface preparation and applications before the next round of the storm.
And as unpredictable weather continues and snow accumulation adds up, you may find it’s time to switch to the 34-inch Snow Blower, yielding faster clearing of walks that have deeper and heavier snow build-up.
This is why it matters how easily and quickly your power unit attaches to implements in the middle of a snow job. Work smarter with the SSV attachment system and reduce the time spent on the job.

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