Productivity Rates For Your Business ~ MMM # 17
Duration: 2:15 - Views: 1918 We get a lot of people asking what the production rates are for our Ventrac Tractors. The difficulty with answering that question is that it is nearly impossible to accurately answer with a simple statement. This is because every users application can be very different depending on their very specific conditions.There are 2 main ways that companies answer equipment production rates. The first way, is the way that we choose to answer, is with a calculator where a user can enter in their own inputs. We feel this is the right way because it allows the user to define their conditions specifically to them giving a much more accurate and honest result.The other main way is a company will give a vague number that sounds really good but has almost no real meaning to the majority of the users. Things like "This tractor is 30% faster compared to a crew of sidewalk snow shovelers!" That sounds really good, but what kind of a snow fall is it? Has the snow been sitting for awhile? How big is the sidewalk? That kind of quick answer really gives you more questions than the real information you need to make an informed tractor purchase.So when you want to know efficiency of a tractor, make sure you compare with your own data before you make a purchase.For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac
Playlist: FAQ - Monday Morning Minute
- 1:11
Ventrac MMM #01 What Is Monday Morning Minute? - 2:21
Ventrac MMM #02 - It looks so OLD! - 2:13
Ventrac MMM #03 - USA! - 1:59
Ventrac MMM #04 - The Power Bucket is Underrated! - 2:27
Ventrac MMM #05 - Versatility - 1:46
Ventrac MMM #06 - No Rear PTO?!?! - 2:21
Ventrac MMM #07 - No One Mows When it's Wet!!! - 2:14
Ventrac MMM #08 - Marketing is Evil!!! - 2:34
Ventrac MMM #09 - Tough Cut Tips and Tricks - 2:43
Ventrac MMM #10 - Zero Turns on Hills - 1:59
Ventrac MMM #11 - Small Gas Tank! - 2:03
Ventrac MMM #12 - Math and Mountains - 1:58
Ventrac MMM #13 - Belt Drive PTO - 3:49
Ventrac MMM #14- Comment Day! - 1:45
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