Contractor Maintains Ballfields and Entire School Campus with Ventrac

Duration: 3:13 - Views: 34

With Ventrac, the possibilities are limitless—it's all about fulfilling your specific needs. With his experience in commercial sitework, Steve began to offer ballfield renovations to provide quality playing fields for kids and towns. Previously relying on an ATV, Steve appreciates Ventrac's tight turning radius, articulation, and all-wheel drive capability.Addressing common complaints about ballfields, such as standing water on the infield, Steve sees Ventrac attachments as solutions. Utilizing the Ventrac Broom for periodic infield material sweeping and the sod cutter for correcting drainage issues are just a couple of examples.Moreover, beyond baseball fields, schools maintain various sports fields and grounds. Ventrac's versatility shines here, offering one tractor with multiple attachments for diverse tasks. From the Broom and Blower to the Wide Area Mower and AERA-Vator, Ventrac equips schools with the tools needed for comprehensive grounds maintenance. For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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