Bigfoot, Big Fun!

Duration: 3:58 - Views: 113336 Bigfoot is NOT who you think he is! For April Fools, we got the Ventrac video crew together with intentions of luring unsuspecting employees into the woods to “help us with a video” only to scare them with Bigfoot. The problem is, we tried and it didn’t work. As it turns out, Bigfoot just isn’t scary anymore. Bigfoot is absolutely real….obviously. He’s in the video. And his brand is stronger and blurrier than ever on the History Channel and in marketing campaigns worldwide. But with the ever-increasing popularity of Bigfoot, comes the inevitable acceptance of him (and her….yes, female Bigfeet exist, that’s how Littlefoot is made) as a jolly, peaceful woodland dwelling creature that isn’t out to harm. So instead of leaving him in the woods, after we tried to scare some people, we brought Bigfoot inside our factory to show him around. It was pretty fun, but definitely… not scary.

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