Quickly Remove Stumps with Tractor
Duration: 0:57 - Views: 4794
At just over 28 inches wide and 33 inches long, this stump grinder is even more compact than a walk-behind unit and coupled with the Ventrac 4500 tractor, it’s just as capable as other commercial options.One distinct advantage of this stump grinder-tractor combination is its turf-friendly capabilities.
With the tractor’s light footprint, you’re less likely to tear up the ground you’re working on. And because of the compact nature of the duo, you’ll have the ability to maneuver close to the stump even when it is located near or around buildings or obstacles.
Another convenience for commercial users with this setup is that you have a very high transport speed of up to 10 miles per hour. This allows you to get from site to site much quicker than other stump grinders of this same capability.
The ultra-tough cutting head features 16 heavy-duty carbide cutters that provide extended and effective performance in spite of dirt, stones, and debris in the work area. And a special convex mirror mounted to the tractor provides you with complete visibility of the front cutting edge.
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