Will A Trencher Cut Through A Tree?

Duration: 1:30 - Views: 27777
https://www.ventrac.com/ We have posted several trencher posts over the last couple of years, and inevitably we get comments similar to, "you're showing that trenching in clean soil, bet it can't handle tree roots." Here is an example of the trencher cutting through a tree trunk! This shows how the trencher can cut through tree roots while it's trenching through the dirt. Disclaimer - The ky400 is not intended for cutting trees, please do not try this at home. Our normal chain uses a combo of rock and dirt teeth, the chain in this video has only our rock teeth on it. Also, we know that a chainsaw would have worked better, but that wouldn't have been nearly as fun.

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Products featured in this video:
Ventrac 4500:

KY400 Trencher:

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