Aerate Impossible Places on Ventrac Tractor - Aeration Without Cores - Real World Work

Duration: 4:17 - Views: 12537 The Ventrac AERA-vator EA600 is an innovative attachment for golf courses, sports turf or any areas affected by turf compaction. Whether it be by foot or vehicle traffic, sporting events or other stresses, turf compaction is easy to spot and even easier to fix with the right Ventrac attachment.The Ventrac AERA-vator vibrates its heavy-duty tines with powerful efficiency as it fractures the turf surface while simultaneously over seeding. Aerating at 9 holes per square foot, the tines break up soil and loosen the roots beneath the surface for increased water and oxygen absorption. Laying new grass seed while aerating increases the odds of germination for thicker and healthier lawns.With no cores to pick up, the AERA-vator is just as effective as a core aerator without pulling the core and leaves the turf ready for immediate use after treatment. EA600 will allow you to aerate areas previously inaccessible with other aeration tools because of its capabilities on slopes and hillsides.The AERA-vator is great for treating those areas of heavy wear and tear on the fairway by providing improved air exchange between soil and atmosphere, better soil water and fertilizer intake, and reduced water runoff and puddling. Ultimately, aerating with the Ventrac AERA-vator creates a stronger turf grass root structure while reducing soil compaction.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4500 - EA600 AERA-VATOR: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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