Adding New Infield Mix on Ball Field

Duration: 2:06 - Views: 15623 The Ventrac Ballpark Groomer and Renovator is the perfect tool for grounds and maintenance managers to maintain ballfields. At this local field, they had a fresh load of infield mix delivered. Usually, this job would be done by a group of people investing multiple hours of hand labor. With the Ventrac, the field was cleared of weeds, the mix was distributed using the power bucket, the area was re-leveled, and groomed to perfection. This all-in-one groomer and renovator has the ability to do the tough work of removing weeds, cutting new edge lines and leveling fields, yet have the finesse to finish drag the field to big league standards. With the Ventrac attachment system, you can quickly disconnect from the groomer and renovator and attach to other implements such as a mower deck, aerator, leaf blower, snow blower, and more.For more information, visit Products featured in this video:Ventrac 4500: Ballfield Groomer and Renovator: Power Bucket: Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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