Ventrac MMM #07 - No One Mows When it's Wet!!!
Duration: 2:21 - Views: 81529 In this Ventrac Monday Morning Minute Aaron Graber discusses how sometimes you need to mow even when it is wet.Every Monday we will have a new topic that is inspired by YOU our viewers and we will only talk about it for a max of 60 Sec. So ask your questions, make your comments and we will post something new every Monday. Be sure to subscribe as well so you don't miss an episode. Enjoy!For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventracVideo Transcript:On this Monday Morning Minute: nobody mows when it's this wet out. If you remember we did a video a while back where we compared a Ventrac in a zero turn to show you how good a Ventrac is when the ground conditions are wet. Unfortunately, we got a lot of comments that said: "that's crazy, nobody mows when it's that wet out." Here's a few of them. The first ones from JohnDeereBoy who asks legitimately "why are you mowing your lawn when it's that wet? Fortunately, there are people like TIYX who answered him and said "plenty of people mow on wet ground lots of homes have wet areas and the ground is always wet in those places. The same goes for farms." Unfortunately, there are far too many people like James Wilson who commented something to say "you are high off your own grass. Nobody mows in flooded areas. I'd say turn around and leave but you'd have to take some extra time out vs a zero turn." Well, James. Have you ever seen a drainage basin with like 12-foot high grass maybe some trees some bushes growing in there? Nope, they're always cut. The reason is that people mow them even when they're flooded. Sometimes they use Ventracs to do it and that's the point. The conditions aren't always great. Weather is unpredictable, and especially coming out of spring the grass starts growing before the ground is ready to really walk on or drive on with any machinery. But even so, you can use the Ventrac to mow it during those times. It's great in those areas it's great for contractors who have to get jobs done regardless of what the weather is. The Ventrac just does it and it's easy on the turf so the truth of the matter is people do mow in wet conditions. It's not ideal and they might not plan on it, but it absolutely happens and when it happens, you need a Ventrac.
Playlist: Wet Ground Operation
- 3:50
Mowing Across Wet and Muddy Ground Conditions - 4:40
Ventrac Vs Zero Turn - Wet Ground Conditions - 0:46
Mowing on Wet Lawns with Minimal Turf Damage - 4:46
Ventrac Vs. Normal Tractor: Turf Damage - 2:21
Ventrac MMM #07 - No One Mows When it's Wet!!! - 1:42
Tractor Vs Mud - Going Impossible Places - 9:29
Zero Turn Stuck in Wet Ground - Ventrac Vs Zero Turn Part 2 - 2:45
Mowing Massively Overgrown Flooded Field - Before & After Time Lapse - 9:58
Tractor Grapple Bucket - Tree Removal on Soft Ground - 9:16
Mowing an Overgrown Florida Swamp - 11:25
Worst Case Scenario - Wet Mowing Conditions - 8:34
Mowing Lakes For Dog Training - 5:15
A Normal Tractor Could Never Do This