The Easiest Way Ever to Move a Trailer

Duration: 1:23 - Views: 51081
Moving a trailer is easy with a Ventrac and a Trailer Mover. First of all, you have the trailer in front of you making it easier to maneuver because everything's in your line of sight saving you from neck strain from looking back while moving the trailer around.

Also, moving a trailer with Ventrac is more convenient than using a pickup truck or a bigger tractor thanks to articulated steering and all-wheel drive. This is especially true in areas where it's too tight to maneuver. With the Trailer Mover attached to the Ventrac you can park a trailer in places where you would likely never take a pickup truck.

Another advantage of the front tow hitch is that if you have multiple trailers to move hook up is easier because you can virtually accomplish all of that while sitting on the seat by simply raising and lowering the hydraulic hookup without moving the jack stand.

It's simply the simplest way to move any equipment that has a trailer coupler around your property.

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