VENTRAC Side Discharge Finish Mower HM/HP Series

Duration: 0:57 - Views: 5882 - Ventrac HM & HP Mower Decks utilize a rugged all steel frame design, which suspends the Ventrac's progressive discharge deck. This design gives you a high efficiency grass discharge for a better quality of cut by moving more grass efficiently through the deck tunnel. With the removal of two pins beneath the cross frame, the deck can be easily tilted to a near vertical position for maintenance and storage.All HM and HP decks offer full-width rear rollers with large pneumatic front swivel caster tires to float over the terrain independent of the tractor. Engage the tractor's integrated adjustable weight transfer system, (option on the 4100 series) which transfers a percentage of the mower weight back to the tractor, for increased traction and stability on slopes and inclines.

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