Synthetic Football Pitch Maintenance at Tottenham Hotspurs Training Centre
Duration: 5:44 - Views: 17715 Tottenham Hotspur Football Club has some of the highest standards and specifications for their prestigious landscape areas and fields. Darren Baldwin is the Head of Playing Surfaces and Estates in the UK. With 77 acres and 20 football pitches, Darren recruited the help of Ventrac to meet those high standards of upkeep on this growing site.
Darren demoed a Ventrac with a Tough Cut mowing deck and was so pleased with the job it accomplished on his steep slopes, he purchased his first machine a week later. His team of workers tackle the vast landscape areas of the property which include, synthetic pitches, roadways, sidewalks, steep slopes, and even a pond and helipad.
While most trencher machines would create too much damage and turf disturbance on constructed areas, the Ventrac Trencher attachment has been used most extensively at Hotspur Way because of its light footprint and low ground pressure on the synthetic turf and finished landscape.
The winters in the UK offer quite a bit of snow for Darren and his team to manage. The Ventrac Broom allows them to easily clear and keep the synthetic turf and roadways operational during the harsh winters in the UK.
Darren also touts the operator experience as being fantastic, with easy on and off entry, centrally located seating and comfort, while truly feeling at one with the machine.
Products featured in this video:
Ventrac 4500:
KY400 Trencher:
HB580 Broom:
HQ680 Tiough Cut:
Finish Mower:
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