Retired Man Maintains Hills On Farm With Ventrac

Duration: 3:58 - Views: 21783 Vaughn is 79 years old and lives by himself at the top of a mountain (about 1,050 feet up to be exact.) Vaughn has lived and taken care of the farm for 27 years. After Vaughn's wife got sick and passed away, he wanted to remain on the farm but his daughter and her husband, Allen, were concerned with him maintaining the slopes on the property. After much research Allen found Ventrac to be the perfect fit. Ventrac is rated for slopes up to 30 degrees with the benefits of downhill braking, all-wheel drive, a wide stance, and full-time contact with the ground. All the worry of Vaughn operating machinery alone was gone and the property has never looked better.

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Video Transcript:
My name's Vaughn James, I'm 79, and I keep this 200 acres alive and well. The land here is on the top of a hill, about 1,050 feet up and we can see just as far as the eye can see. This is my father in law here and he's a pretty valuable individual to me and my wife. His wife got sick a few years back and we had to leave the farm. It was too far for us to come check on him and help to be an hour or so away. We had to move Vaughn and his wife closer to us to take care of them. Consequently, after his wife died, Vaughn wanted to move back to the farm. We have another tractor that has a finish mower and brush hog. It's a little top heavy and there were a few places here on the farm that we were a little uncomfortable with Vaughn being on with nobody here. My wife was constantly saying "you better call and check on dad. Make sure he's ok, make sure he hasn't rolled the tractor, maybe you should go down there!" I got researching and found these Ventracs and I'm so glad I did because there are no worries at all. It's undoubtedly the safest piece of equipment I've ever been on! It's built low to the ground and it's just about impossible to upset it. I'm very comfortable with it and have no anxiety going on any hill that I have. I don't hesitate to pull up to it, go up or down, sideways, diagonally. I would say this has cut my weed eating down by 50 percent or even more. I look at some of the places around here that I used to weed eat and I don't weed eat anymore, I use a Ventrac. When you're not able to stay on top of the farm like we did the last couple of years, things tend to grow in towards the meadow and you have to drive around the tree limb. You'll say well I'll mow that later. Well later hardly ever comes. We were able to brush hog that all back toward the fence line. I saw a fence post that I didn't know existed. Comfort and controls--the one lever do just about everything. You don't have to worry about your breaks because your hand does the brakes and your steering and everything. It's a simple operating piece of machinery. I wouldn't have a farm of this caliber, nature, or size without a Ventrac now. As far as safety, I don't think there's anything that compares. I would have nothing else. It's simple, straight, and the best piece of equipment and mower that I have ever seen.

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