Mowing Extreme Hills on Dams
Duration: 4:34 - Views: 896090 and slopes can be a challenge to mow. Don't take risks when choosing equipment to mow on slope. Make sure you use equipment that is designed to mow on the slope you have. Mowing on slopes can be extremely dangerous if you are not properly equipped!
The unique design qualities of Ventrac has made a world renowned statement for its ability to work on steep slopes. Features like hydrostatic all-wheel drive, downhill braking, a wide stance with dual wheels & low center of gravity, combine to make Ventrac a safer solution than most equipment on hills and slopes up to 30°. The best part of this is that when you are done mowing slopes, you can attach any other attachment to do other jobs around the property.
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Attachments Featured:
Finish Mower:
KP540 Power Rake:
KC180 Stump Grinder:
ED202 Sidewalk Edging:
ET200 Turbine Blower:
KX523 Snow Blower: