The Tractor Couples Will Love
Duration: 3:33 - Views: 25490 The property of Jerry and Diane looks like a professionally maintained campus because of their Ventrac 4500. Diane loves to mow and as long as the mowing deck is on the tractor, she takes over all the mowing. She loves how comfortable the controls are while operating and she feels safer on the Ventrac than any other machine. Jerry gets a lot of use from their Ventrac by using the bucket to dig around trees, spread mulch and move dirt. Maybe one day Jerry and Diane will each have their own his and hers tractors, but for now, they will continue to share the Ventrac they love.For more information, visit
Products featured in this video:
Ventrac 4500:
Finish Mower:
Power Bucket:
KA160 Blower:
Snow Blade:
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Video Transcript:
Finally, when we decided on the Ventrac, I said that's the tractor I want in our garage. We have 6 acres here, part of it is a ravine. We mow about 3 acres. I mow about 3 acres with it. When the mower is on, it's my machine. I have to get her permission to get the mower off. It's not quite that bad. Between my son and I, we bought the Ventrac first. He kept borrowing ours so we liked the idea of him getting his own mower so we can have ours at home a little bit more so we share attachments now. Whenever I would dig around the trees I would use a wheelbarrow to move the dirt where it's a whole lot more fun to use a bucket and the Ventrac to move the dirt. I can also mow the bank where you couldn't with any other type of mower. You can run the mower down into the bank and back up so I don't have to do a lot of weed eating by hand. We've mowed in the rain already and it hasn't messed up the yard at all. Our neighbor man is a head groundskeeper at a local country club and he'll tell us to keep mowing so it looks nice in the spring, so there are times when we're out in December still mowing. It doesn't make ruts. We've used it in some pretty high drifts too we took it an airport and helped my son clear out his hanger so he can get his planes out. That snow was higher than the Ventrac. I feel secure on the Ventrac because we are on a hill and also going down into a ditch close to the road. I feel like I can go anywhere in the yard and mow and don't feel uneasy with it. Sometimes he thinks he needs his own Ventrac. There might be a time when we need a his & hers.