Gary shares the additional steps they have taken this year to further defend their home against wildfires. Gary is able to maintain the growth of the tall brush easily and safely with the Ventrac Tough Cut. Using the Ventrac Power Rake he’s been able to successfully establish fire breaks around his property by turning the grass under the dirt. Gary believes the first line of defense against wildfires is the homeowner and that means he is doing everything he can by using the right tools and equipment to create a defensible space around his home.
Duration: 8:36 - Views: 4427
Defensible Space | California Wildfire PreventionLast year we visited Gary after he was recovering his land from California’s 4th largest wildfire.
He and his family did evacuate expecting to lose their home, but with the preparation that they had done primarily with defensible space and reducing combustible material, their house was spared from the fires.
Now a year later, his 5-acre ranch is back to full growth and Gary is preparing for another wildfire season. Gary believes the right tools and equipment to be proactive in fire abatement are key in preparing his property. His California ranch consists of extremely steep hills, most of them being 30 degrees in slope. Because of the extreme slope capabilities of the Ventrac, he’s able to mow and knock down the weeds on 100% of his property, especially the area surrounding his house. Having a tractor that can handle these hills is crucial in preparing for potential wildfires and removing the brush that is a combustible material.
Gary shares the additional steps they have taken this year to further defend their home against wildfires. He has chosen to lay down more gravel around their barn for defensible space. And using the Ventrac Power Rake he’s been able to successfully establish fire breaks around his property by turning the grass under the dirt.
The grass that Gary maintains on his property is kept at a much lower height which does inhibit the potential fire from spreading out of control. And he’s able to maintain the growth of the tall brush easily and safely with the Ventrac Tough Cut.
Gary was happy to share that their insurance company has continued to maintain their service even in a high fire area and he attributes this to their efforts in being proactive in protecting their home.
Gary believes the first line of defense against wildfires is the homeowner and that means he is doing everything he can by using the right tools and equipment to create a defensible space around his home.
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